The 2014 showing season is almost over, and it has been most enjoyable with good weather at nearly all our shows, the worst day being at the IPS Championship Show where we were blessed with the excellent facilities at Cavan Equestrian Centre. Both IPS Council and the IPS Show Committee would like the views of the members on a possible change of date for the Championship Show, either maintaining the present slot, or going back to the traditional date of the end of August, when the IPS Championship Show was almost the last outing of the year and was the grand finale of the showing season. There is also another date option earlier in August. Also, do you think that a three day show is too long? Would you prefer a more compact schedule over 2 days? We would also like to have your views on the matter as to the date and venue for the Spring Spectacular. Some venues have already been approached and are not options, but we would be interested to know your preference.

IPS Spring Spectacular

The choice of dates is April 4th 2015, or April 11th 2015

The venues suggested include:

Barnadown: 3 sand arenas, 1 grass, Derby ring with all-weather track. Stabling on site

Coilog: 1 indoor, both grass and all-weather arenas

Tattersalls: Green field situation, stabling on site

Wexford Equestrian: 1 indoor, 1 large and 2 warm up all-weather arenas, all-weather derby ring, 2 new grass arenas. Stabling on site.

IPS Championship Show

The choice of dates is the current slot of the last days of July and first in August,


14th, 15th, 16th August,


20th, 21st, 22nd August.

Would you prefer 3 days or 2 days?

Please email your preferred options to as soon as possible.


European Working Hunter Championships 2015

Anyone wishing to be considered for selection for the above championships should forward their names in writing to :

Mrs Dorothy Guildford, Corradoo, Newcastle, Greystone, Co Wicklow.


 2014 National Awards Celebration

For this year’s National Awards Night a new and very energetic organizer has been found in the form of Yvonne Byrne which, as those of you who know Yvonne will be aware, guarantees an enjoyable night full of new ideas. It has been suggested that a ‘Promise Auction’ is held as a fund raiser and more about this will shortly be on the website.

Yvonne has asked me to include the following paragraph to give you a preview of some of the new awards that will be included on the night:

‘The 2014 National Awards Night will be held at the Killashee Hotel on January 2nd 2015 while we are still in the Christmas holiday mode. In this our Jubilee Year, we have a lot to celebrate, 50 years of friendships, achievements and life-long memories. The night will not just be a list of points winners but a recognition of what our riders, their parents and families have given to the Irish Pony Society over the past years. We will be introducing non points based awards for those members who have made a contribution to their areas, and will look into recognition of new members. This will be a fun-filled night for all your family and friends to enjoy and we look forward to seeing you out of your riding gear and into your finery’



Rule changes for 2014

Thank you to those of you who have written in with your suggestions to the present IPS Rules.

The Rules Committee will be meeting shortly and all your suggestions will be fully discussed, and after the subsequent Council Meeting the results will be posted on the Website.


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