Upcoming HSI Child Protection Training

Please see below details of upcoming Child protection Training.  As always the course will be held at HSI Head Office in Naas, commencing at 6.30pm on each evening.  The Code of Ethics Basic Awareness Training costs €20 per person and the Children’s Officer Training Costs €25 per person.

PLEASE NOTE: The Children’s Officer Course has been revised by the Irish Sports Council, this was formally a 6 hour course and has now been reduced to 3 hours. To attend this course, all participants must have complete the Basic Awareness Course beforehand.

Course Dates:
Thursday January 29th 2015
– Basic Awareness Training
Wednesday March 25th– New Children’s Officer Training
Thursday May 7th– Basic Awareness Training.

In early 2015, the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 is due to commence.  This will enforce a legal requirement on all persons working with Children to hold a valid Basic Awareness Certificate and Garda Vetting Clearance.

Child Protection Course App Form_Jan 29 2015HSI Childrens Officer Training App Form_Mar_25_2015
Child Protection Course App Form_May 7 2015

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