Pony Registrations (overstamping): if you have a passport and wish to register an animal with the Irish Pony Society, please download the Registration Form HERE.
Foals : €20 All other Equines : €50 (members) or €75 (non-members).
If you are registering an animal for the first time, please contact the IHR Registrations Department on 045 854503 for further details. Passport fees as follows :
Foals €62 – (members of IPS or IHR) or €98 (non-members)
Yearlings or older – €100 (members and non-members)
Replacement Passport : €100
The above fees also cover DNA testing and microchip.
If you also wish to register the animal with the Irish Pony Society, please complete the IPS Registration Form, send all to IHR and ask that this be forwarded to IPS desk for IPS registration – please include separate cheque made out to the Irish Pony Society. Fees for overstamping as above.