

The Irish Pony Society believes that doping is contrary to the spirit of sport and every member has a duty to ensure that Equestrian Sport is free of doping.

The Irish Pony Society advises all members to read and understand anti-doping Rules and to understand their responsibilities under the rules. (See Irish Pony Society Rule Book) The consequences of not adhering to Anti-Doping Rules can be severe for Athletes and their support personnel such as grooms, coaches and Chef D’Equipe’s; therefore it is critical that any questions/concerns be clarified with either Horse Sport Ireland or Sport Ireland.

Any registered Athlete of any discipline of an Affiliate of Horse Sport Ireland,  can be subject to Anti-Doping testing in accordance with the General Rules of Horse Sport Ireland.

In 2015, there were several changes to the Irish Anti-Doping rules. Notably, the changes include that a positive drug test can result in a suspension of up to 4 years.

On January 1st 2021, a revision version of the 2015 Irish Anti-Doping Rules came into effect.

The most up to date version of the Sport Ireland Anti-Doping Rules that are adopted and implemented by Horse Sport Ireland and all affiliates are available to view on www.horsesportireland.ie/governance/anti-doping