4. Members Forms

Members Forms

(Page Updated 20/12/2022)

 Membership 2023  www.itsplainsailing.com/club/ips


Pony Life Registration can now be completed online.

  • Complete and pay registration fee by clicking here.
  • Email a pdf scan of passport to info@irishponysociety.ie
  • PDF must include the following pages, front cover, registered name, microchip/UELN page, markings page, ownership page, breeding/pedigree page, measurement page.
  • Once all documents are in order a label and letter confirming registration details will be posted out to the address on application form.

If you are unable to complete payment online or email a scan of passport as above please download the Pony Life Registration Form and submit to IPS office, along with a copy of passport and relevant fee. 

Please ensure that the details of ownership in the passport are correct before submitting to the IPS Office. 

PREMISES NO must be entered on the reg form!

€50 (members)/€75 (non-members)/Foals €25 

CONSENT-FORM If you DO NOT wish to have your child’s photo displayed on the IPS website, please download the following form and submit to the office


APPLICATION FOR OVERSEAS VISA TRAVEL – To be completed and submitted before travel abroad so Visa can be issued.

REGISTRATION OF LEASE– Annual lease form.

TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP  This needs to be sent to Horse Sport Ireland (credit card details required for this form or cheque for €15 made payable to Horse Sport Ireland)

Irish Pony Society Information Leaflet (Helpful Hints and General Guidelines).

Horse Sport Ireland maintains the Irish Horse Register. If you require a 1st time passport, Animal Naming, Animal change of name, Animal transfer of Ownership, Foal Registration, Pony Inspection Sheets, Duplicate Passports or Application for Prefixes contact Horse Sport Ireland directly on 045 854503 or attached link – www.horsesportireland.ie/passports/

Movement of Animals Abroad: See www.horseportireland.ie or www.agriculture.gov.ie for the latest legislation on the movement of animals abroad.

Order your Irish Pony Society Badge from www.itsplainsailing.com/club/ips (merchandise section) or call IPS Office on 045 854513. Badges are charged at €4 each (including postage) or two badges for €6.