Child Protection

The Horse Sport Ireland Safeguarding Training Policy as follows:

Safeguarding 1\Safeguarding Children & Young People in Sport (NI)– Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness Course (ROI & NI)

All Judges and Area Committee members and Designated Liaison Persons must complete the 3 hour Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness Workshop.  This workshop educates participants on the implementation of best practice in safeguarding the welfare of children involved in sport.

Safeguarding 2 – Children’s Officer Workshop. (ROI & NI)

A person appointed to the role of an Area Committee Child Protection Officer must have firstly completed Sport Irelands Safeguarding 1 (Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness workshop). They should also complete Sport Irelands Club Children’s Officer 3 hour workshop. Safeguarding 2. The aim of this workshop is to help the Area Committee Child Protection Officer to carry out their role and support the implementation of best practice in the club. Participants will also receive a Club Children’s Officer Action Planning document as part of the training.

Safeguarding 1 & 2 are valid for three years and are available through Horse Sport Ireland, Local Sport Partnerships or Sport NI.

There is also an online Refresher Course which is Safeguarding 1 Workshop or Safeguarding Children & Young People in Sport (NI). This is for those who hold a valid Face to Face Safeguarding 1 Course Certificate in either the ROI or NI. If you complete the online Refresher, then after another three-year period you will again need to renew by attending a Face to Face Safeguarding 1 Course. Further information is available from

Any Judge who has completed a Child Protection Course with any recognised association is, therefore, covered for insurance and should forward a photocopy of the certificate to the office.

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